journaling prompt

A Book In Any Form 14

WHENEVER I mention to my writer friends that I enjoy reading both electronic and paper books and, moreover, that I find myself turning more frequently to my e-reader, they inevitably wrinkle their noses and — with the tone of an upper-crust British aristocrat speaking to a country peasant — say, “Oh, […]

girl reading

A Week’s Worth of Journaling Prompts: When Violence Intrudes 9

We can’t avoid it. It’s all over the news and in conversations: wars, random shootings, gang rapes, knifings and, most recently, the Boston Marathon bombings. Violence, if we are to judge by news sources, is everywhere and could even be considered “normal.” I’ve been involved in many philosophical arguments over […]

Journal Writing Through Life’s Passages: Moving 6

I had been packing for weeks. The boxes were clearly labeled with their contents and which room they belonged in. Yet when the moving van arrived, every surface overflowed with items that still needed to be boxed, the pictures hung on the walls, and the still-full garage mocked us. Luckily, […]

Journal Writing Tips: Telling the Truth 7

Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes to be true. ~ Demosthenes ONE of the most challenging aspects about journal writing for the purpose of self-knowledge and growth is learning to tell the truth to yourself. After all, we don’t really want to […]

Journaling for Direction 4

ONE of the many, many benefits of journaling is that we get to write with a sense of play and exploration that, in other ways, we may have left behind with our mudpie-making days. Journaling can be as fun as splashing in a puddle with our galoshes on, only it’s […]